People have been living under socials norms or social expectation almost their entire lives, we have been told how to live our lives and how to react to different life transactions in the same way. We are given normality to marginalize us from doing what we love when we want to.
Who wrote these social norms?

We can never argue that social norms have played a huge role not only into creating order in our communities but instilled civilization as per written in the holy bible. But in these past few centuries, the recipe has got in the wrong hands, the hands of those who wanted to govern the world and accumulate all wealth by using the society, people we living with to make us aware of time changes.
We actually living our lives in the market where everything we do put money in somebody’s pocket not to ours, all these social orientated activities are corporations and money driven.
We are told we need a degree if you don’t have one you failed your parents and people around you.

Made to believe we need cell phones, we need twitter or Instagram to be updated. They convinced us that rich families are the warmest. Told that Assets are wealth, At 35 you must be married, Friends that make us feel like we need two or more partners to look cooler, the movies and music you must attend to if you don’t, something is wrong with you

We consider how the societies want us to look like ending up compromising everything working on satisfying people expectation. We are so desperate to fit in and do what everybody else is going.
if we were to count all the money and time I invest pleasing people, you wouldn't believe it
these people give us a list of things to purchase and do to be better than others;gave us reasons and alternatives to make us think we better ,actually that how they divided us.
The societies we live in impose so much pressure on us to comply with these made expectations, from our parents, friends, and neighbors. Consequently, young pregnant girls do abortion and students hang themselves if they fail in school all scared of what the people will say.
We can never deny the fact that the time we living in demand a lot of energy and time but you shouldn’t let the pressure and negative thought from people be the reason we do things.
These expectations drive away the purpose of life and we are slowly losing our exact purposes of living, the problem with us is that we put people first, people that don’t even know us, we prioritize other people believes instead of ours and that how you lose yourself.