College is said to be home away from home for students. End year is one of the most sorrowful and sour moment for almost student because you will be going home and you feel like you losing the other half of your life or Thanos just came by in town.
As a result you miss almost everything about college, your Classmates,
that one girl that always make your day by sight but she never knew;
snobbish dudes you always feel like they never got a fair share of knuckles while growing up;strangers you never knew their names but had the most solid conversation of the day and shared life experiences. Typically the cycle of brother/sisterhood you built with your roommates and people your resident that soon will be gone, probably for a while.
in In the entire year you find yourself stuck with people you don’t know but as the year proceed you start getting along and mature a lively family sphere, getting to understand each other not only by chatting but action; behavior among each other. Although at times it not very easy for some roommates to gel because of certain reasons,in my experience, the reasons roommate don’t get along can be
· Too much similarities in personalities;
· Not being able to tolerate people ;
· And actually fail to understand that we as people have different individual preferences.
I remember this other time my course mate would tell me about one of his roommate who always thinks and act like anything he preferred was superior to others, calling their music trash or their girlfriend average. Just a disturbing person to be stuck with, he added.
Similarly I was not the best person to live with, I have also done crazy stuff, reflecting my bad side at utmost and so is my roommate. As people we tussle and urge endlessly because we’re not perfect, no roommates are always happy but we differ at methods of communication and problem solving, be able to master those two.
One of the precious things to remember about roommate is these odd, unbelievable stories you shared, jokes about your childhood and conversation you had that only both of you could appreciate. The slang and nick names matching your character and even handshakes sometimes.
Moreover videos where you dance and act stupid, the one you wish not to be seen; those horrible pictures you took with beautiful memory; the memories you wouldn’t trade for anything else on earth.
There was some bad typical behavior you were able to characterize, “who left those greasy bowls on top of the table?, Cebo it looks like you”.”Cebo I can’t find my pen please bring it back”.
Staying with a group of people has taught me to be a humble person and be able to maintain a healthy relationship with people; to be able to appreciate those around you; Being able to respect others as much as I would want to, because people reflect back how you are to them.
However, i could never deny the eager of going home and seeing my family but my roommate has been a family too; he understood me better more than anyone else, not my parents who keep on whining about how college changed me every time i'm home.
Hence, i can gladly say that if I was living alone in a room I would still have been the same guy i was a year ago, never matured this much only grew a year older.
Although locating different people like me and roommate in one roof was never a good idea but sure has been a life changing experience which i will cherish throughout my entire life.
thank you for being a family and a strong shoulder for me ,but its time to say goodbye now.
Wooow man, I love your
craft please continue posting such stories..