''there is always a first time for everything''
The year has come into an end with a lot of ups and down in it, from the bad things happened to the good memories we would look back to flashback and share the experience. Most important the phrases and tests life has put us through good or bad but with that, we are able to find the experience and these entire life tests are the recap how much of a journey the year has been.
around me I've seen my friends and family go through their time experiences this which will be clearly to memory of the year,from first smoking,hard working friends releasing their first album enlarging their scale of fans and expanding for the better
A year is said to be measured by what a man has done throughout, our first experience has always been the extent of one's headway in life so I went around questioning people their first experience and what I found was amazing:
‘'this year I got a driving license, I always wanted to know how to drive so I did my license and I was not as difficult as people think''
-Cebo Mbokazi
‘'this year I started attending my Bitcoin seminars to learn how to trade and make my own money''
On my further research from the internet platform, (HUFFPOST,2018)
‘'I found a pregnant stray dog who gave birth to her five puppies in my home, amazing'', Sumi Lee

‘'first baby, nothing so life-changing or profound as this!'', Pam Baker

Most people shared the appreciation of having their first kid this year; they showed the greatest excitement of the experience.
Having a kid is like falling in love for the first time when you're 12, but every day (Mike Myers)
These were not only people I talked with but plenty who minded to let post their face and preferred to stay anonymous
‘'this year I did circumcision, at first I was scared because of the stories I used to hear about how painful is the process but with learning how circumcision is good for my health, I stood brave and went through with it and doing just fine now''
‘' I bought my girlfriend her favorite red pumps I once saw cycled in her magazine''
And some were really amusing:
‘'I stayed half a year sober and it was a loneliest six months of my life''
‘' I didn't cheat this year,i was honest''
Therefore it can be seen from the survey I did that your year can be made by anything you've done, it always up to you and the effort you put in to create memories you will look back at and realize the evolvement in your life.the year I can say my proudest first moment was the launching of this blog.
Then you can look back at your year and ask yourself what was your first experience or just drifting around same hobbies and not expanding to any experience to grow you in any form, so you will know there is something going on with your life.