eating fruits and veggies has always been the practice of living a healthy is said that consumption of fruits doesn’t only give you better cardiovascular health but also several positive psychological outcomes including lowering depression level, but not anymore.
Apparently, these days a person who eats junk food is not far unhealthy from the one eating fruits day-to-day because of so much exposure to Genetically Modified Nutrition, of which is a scientific method of recombination DNA technology and reproductive cloning of our food we eat every day. Basically the assignment was introduced to sustain agricultural production but it has ruined the genuine intention of eating fruits and veggies, healthiness.
GM fruit are normally rich in sugar, fats, fructose, refined carbohydrates and artificial ingredients making it one of the courses of numerous health complications on our diet and human function on daily bases. Fruits and veggies that we mostly buy in stores are no longer good for our health because of the rapid increase of GM production around the country and the world as a whole.
Processed fruits and veggies are often rich in artificial ingredient that enhances the flavour and texture .A practical example can be Maize; Maize is a regular crop we eat frequently as Africans and nutritiously rely on it for high iron and pure carbohydrates which are useful for circulating oxygen through red blood cells in our body.
Researches by Andrea Teagle provide that in 2014-15 between 70% and 80% of maize consumed in South Africa are genetically modified. That means the next SA children won’t be enjoying any of these types of diets found in maize but at risk of damage on brain neurological system and trigged cancer in their body.
GM's are also full of refined carbohydrates which make food to be softer and less bulky. Have you ever eaten horrible; mushy apple that disgust your taste but? Tell me how healthy is that? Apple is appealing and supposes to supply soluble fiber for your heart function to keep us in good diet not these apples we buy in stores which are just different from sizes, nutrition and colors
Speaking of food colors Veggies now also comes in different shades; we now have yellow maize, green pepper, and red peppers. We can agree they contribute in divine smell and taste of our meals but consequently linked to chronic illness especially on children livelihood, including diabetes.
According to the World health rankings, side effect of eating GM fruits of which is a heart disease comes at number 2 in leading cause death and reason for constant decrease in S.A life expectancy over these past years and also diabetes at number 5. Doesn’t that scare you? That we have a slight chance to make it to older age and our kids might face health difficulties at the early age because of deadly food we eat daily.
We pleading the Government to do something, because South African supply of Genetically Modified food are under legislative authority and arrangements with foreign is also said that actual agenda of its supply is more of a business transaction ,at its distribution certain people are making huge money at the expense of our healthy, of which is unfair.
Eating fruit and veggies is now as suicidal as eating fried food, so whenever you see me having good time with my fried chips and my spicy wings, don’t come to me and preach about how am I jeopardizing my lifespan because we all on death row, period.
I totally agree with what you are saying but i think the government has been trying to overcome the situation through initiatives like 'one home,one garden' by the KZN department of Agriculture,it is just a matter of local municipalities,community nutritionists,Extension officers,NGOs and all community organisations coming together to emphasize and participate in developing the idea to people in different communities.If the One home,one garden initiative can be successfully adapted throughout SA,food insecurity can be reduced and less GM food can be imported.