Communication has been evolving with time, the method of communication our grandparents were using is not the same as ours, but interaction ethics hasn’t changed a bit but the modernized methods have gotten in the way with our effective standard communication style, which is a face to face an extent that some people literally fail to have a chat.
Being able to talk or talk to is a thing you should learn at a young age to prevent misunderstanding. You should maintain a noble communication with your friends and family, to be easy for you get anything off your chest,

because silence is a bug. Silence grains your energy, confident, concentration, creativity and constantly increasing the stress level
With a skyrocketing stress level and a low confident it possible you might think of taking your life,in my grade 1 class I use to peer at myself because I was scared to beg my way out, I was scared to communicate with my teacher.

Communication helps us to be able to understand people were living with. A parent should be a shoulder to cry on, not a person who will rather not be told, Therefore, it on our parent and friends to create a comfortable sphere of interaction, by reflecting much trust and transparency.
Communication is healthy.
Communication brings people closer, create a solid bond. As commonly nothing is good at all times, at times it causes a clash between people. But that fine,
Here are six common ideal things to try to maintain healthy chat:

• Understand people you communicate with.
• Don’t raise your voice, being too loud annoy people from talking to you.
• Avoid offensive use of language; be able to wisely use words that are harmless for your communication.
• Listen and pay attention, attentively to everything that is said to impose a relevant argument.
• Preferably it safer to use fact rather than opinion during an argument.
• If you fight you must be able to mingle back, sit down and talk,it sharpens your problem-solving skill